We aims to unite Arab-American Engineers, Architects, and IT professionals in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut for collaborative growth in a non-political, non-religious context.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower professionals in engineering, architecture, and IT through training, knowledge exchange, and career development. We promote excellence, innovation, and cooperation, while enhancing the positive perception of Arab-Americans. Upholding public welfare, mutual understanding, and scholarship, we drive collaboration within our community and beyond

  • We share knowledge and information among Chapter members and with other professional associations.

  • We cooperate with other professional associations and/or organizations.

We Assist in establishing training programs, technical seminars, and academic review courses for professional and personal development

  • We encourage and promote the members of the Chapter in their respective technical and scientific fields and foster a positive image of members and their accomplishments.

  • We uphold the public welfare wherever engineering knowledge and expertise is involved and act on matters concerning the engineering, architecture, and IT professions.

  • We promote guidance and assistance to members, students studying in engineering fields, and recent graduates in the development of their careers.

  • We promote cooperation and mutual understanding among Chapter members..

  • We establish awards and means for recognizing outstanding innovation, design, research, and professional training initiatives in the community.

  • We assist in developing scholarships and grants to encourage qualified and talented Arab-American students to pursue engineering, architecture, and IT careers.